Thursday, April 30, 2015

Different Approaches

During my research on my previous post, I was reading through different studies about my driving question based on scientific theories, yet I feel as though my posts would be more valid if I used a different approach. So, I've compiled a list of questions to ask my fellow literature-obsessed classmates to gather more insight on this phenomena.The first person I've chosen is America Renteria.

What's the fictional peice that interests you the most?
 Most likely the marvel universe.

Since when have you been interested in this peice? 
 I've been interested ever since my childhood because of my older brother's interest and me wanting to learn what he liked because I looked up to (and still look up to him) very much.

How much do you spend a day thinking about this fiction or reference it?
 I spend maybe thirty or more percent of my day thinking and referencing about the Marvel Universe. and I'm usually at any given time of the day wearing something depicting or inspired by a marvel character or story.

Do you often wish you were a part of this universe instead of the one you're in right now?
That's a tough question. The universe I'm in now, I know I have a reason to be in, but I think we all sometimes wish that we could just be part of a different world that we find more enjoyable. So, yes I do sometimes find myself daydreaming about being a marvel superhero but i really wish to be in there "often".

Do you consider any character favorable? Why? 
I consider Captain America (Steve Rogers) favorable because of his background and who he is now remained constant personality-wise even after he got all these superhuman abilities, and that takes some serious character. Also I like Iron Man because of the way he puts on this front of a super confident millionaire who has everything he wants at his fingertips. But behind closed doors, he loves a woman who is special to him just like any other man might. And he severe anxiety issues which a lot of people can relate to at times. Even though he seems like the man who wouldn't make the sacrifice play, he is and has made it multiple times.

Has any of the characters in this movie died, if so, did you feel grief? If not, would you feel grief if your favorable character died? 
know captain america does die and I know before that, his best friend bucky died. when bucky died, Steve was just devastated. And me having so much respect and feeling so attached to Steve, I realize it left me with a little grief too. And because I'm basically on a ticking clock waiting to see cap die in a movie, I feel sad thinking about him having to pass on the shield.

Do you feel excited seeing others " fangirling " (over excited) over the same thing you love? 
Oh heck yes. I feel like I can relate to this person with my distress and sometimes this is a huge factor in who I choose as friends. My friends need to be able to at least not get annoyed by my fangirling and if they can follow along and we can converse about it, even better.

Finally, if this universe actually was real and you actually were  close to these characters, would you find another fictional universe to love despite living in the world you've dreamed about living in? 
This is a really intriguing question because it certainly does make beg the question, "Am I just finding imperfections in my world and wanting to fill them with a perfect world?" I think maybe I would. That's what we to as humans, isn't it? We are afraid of demons, we create an almighty god to fend off the demons. We're scared of the dark, we create artificial lights to fill it. and etc. So yes, I think I would find something more I want while living in that universe.

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