Sunday, April 19, 2015

Empathy Theory

So far I've come across various theories regarding attachment to fictional characters and one popular theory is known as the " Empathy-Sympathy Relationship ". Empathy is key component in experiencing emotion in a different perspective. We tend to perform this to reconstruct what the distressed individual is feeling due to certain events. This plays into real and raw emotion that we feel for characters in a virtual setting.
We have the ability to now connect with these characters completely. Just as we do in real life, we figure out the character's dilemma by previous information and fill in missing details about the problem that was unforeseen. In fact, since we often know more private thoughts and outside information about this character, the realism intensifies since we have the overall power to change the character's fate. We become attached and feel as some sort of guardian, thus creating a sympathetic response since we think this character now affects our daily life.
What if the viewer has never in their life experienced what the character is going through? Well, I've certainly never had to worry about my brother dying in my arms like Dean did to Sam from the T.V series, " Supernatural ", but I know that I'm going to be surrounded by tissues for the next couple of episodes at the sight of Dean mourning. (Sorry for the spoiler, but if you watch the series, you already know how the concept death is toyed around.) As long as the emotional perspectives and story lines are there, we can feel realistically.
Source; Nuwer, Rachel. "The Psychology of Character Bonding: Why We Feel a Real Connection to Actors." The Credits. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.


  1. What I'm wondering is are we naturally prone to feel empathy for one another, or does it have to be certain circumstances in which we feel this way? Regardless, it's a really cool topic.

  2. You have such an insightful blog. Thanks for sharing. Reading blogs is my hobby and I randomly found your blog. I enjoyed reading your posts. Interesting! All the best for your future blogging journey.

  3. I love Supernatural!! My question is what happens when what we build up in our minds is the opposite of what turns out? Just like it Supernatural, you suspect one thing and then it turns out to all be okay. Writers can toy with our emotions just as much as people we are close to can.

  4. I love the fact that you mentioned Supernatural I look forward to reading more of your blog it really intrest me in why I become so attached to charecters. One thing you could do is more clearly show what theroy you were talking about cause I didnt quite understand it

  5. I love where you, are going. Its very appealing! Even though i dont like supernatural!
